[名東]Summer School – Week 2 – Day 2

Hello everyone!✨


I hope you had a Funtastic😁day with us!


For our cooking activity we made mini pancakes🥞and cooled off with some shaved ice dessert🍧.


Everyone was super excited and they were naturals in our Grow kitchen. The younger kids assisted with mixing the ingredients🥣 and the older kids helped with pouring the batter in the pan and flipping them over.


While the younger kids were still in the kitchen, the older kids made themselves some shaved ice and switched when they were both done with their turns. Everyone was excited to choose their favourite flavour for their shaved ice and the young kids kept checking if their tongue got stained from the syrup👅 It was really fun to watch the young kids try so hard to turn the lever so they can make more ice shavings, while the older kids were so interested in mixing different colours to make rainbow colours🌈.

年少組がまだキッチンにいる間は、年長組は自分たちでかき氷を作り、2人の順番が終わると交代してやりました。年少組はシロップで舌が何色になったか確認しあったりしていました👅 年少組が一生懸命レバーを回して氷を削るのはとても可愛らしかったです!年長組はかき氷のシロップをいろんな色を混ぜて虹色を作るのに夢中でした🌈。

We also did pool in various time slots during the day and students had a blast splashing each other💦. For those who did not participate in the pool activity they played with bubbles.


After the main activities were done! Toddlers made a camping fire craft and they had so much fun blowing up the flames. Team blue put some final touches to their salt fireworks craft and also made a butterfly craft. Team purple finished off their jellyfish craft from yesterday and later on played with the Nagoshi somen machine. Team green made a beetle craft while team pink did water ball painting activity in the car park.


Tomorrow is our WATER FIGHT DAY! Don’t to bring water guns and swimsuits

See you all tomorrow!



Grow teachers😁

[名東]Summer School – Week 2 – Day 2[名東] Summer School – Week 2 – Day 1
[名東]Summer School – Week 2 – Day 2[名東]Summer School – Week 2 – Day 3