🌸✨ GROW 初開催!SPRING SCHOOL のご案内 ✨🌸

この春、GROW名東・瑞穂 の2キャンパスで 初めての SPRING SCHOOL を開催します!🎉
📅 開催概要
📍 日程:3月24日(月) 〜 3月28日(金)
🕘 時間:9:30〜15:00(延長保育 18:00まで)
📍 場所:
▶ GROW Meito Campus(名古屋市名東区牧の原1-1005-1 マリンビル)
▶ GROW Mizuho Marche Campus(名古屋市瑞穂区大喜新町3-5-1 iiNEマルシェ北棟B1F)
🎯 対象:年少〜小学生
💰 料金:
▶ 1日 ¥6,000(兄弟割引 20%)
▶ 延長保育 (15:00-18:00) ¥3500 ※オプションで追加可
📝 お申し込み
定員:[名東] 20名 / [瑞穂] 10名 ※お早めにご予約ください👇
👉 お申し込みフォーム
🔗 詳細情報はこちら
📅 Day Schedule

🍽️ ランチメニュー:


🌸 日本の春の風物詩「お花見」を英語で体験!
🥚 海外の春のイベント「イースターエッグハント」について学ぶ!
🌏 自然について話そう!
👩🍳 みんなで楽しくランチクッキング!
ご質問は コドモン にてお気軽にお問い合わせください😊
GROW 初開催の SPRING SCHOOL、皆さまのご参加をお待ちしています! ✨
🌸✨ GROW’s First-Ever SPRING SCHOOL! ✨🌸
Hello everyone!
Thank you for your continued support!
We are excited to announce that GROW Meito and GROW Mizuho will be hosting our first-ever SPRING SCHOOL! 🎉
Join us for five fun-filled days, where children will experience the joys of spring while immersing themselves in English through exciting activities! 🌸✨
📅 Program Details
📍 Dates: March 24 (Mon) – March 28 (Fri)
🕘 Time: 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM (Extended care available until 6:00 PM)
📍 Locations:
▶ GROW Meito Campus (1-1005-1 Makinohara, Meito-ku, Nagoya)
▶ GROW Mizuho Marche Campus (3-5-1 Daigishincho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya)
🎯 Eligibility: Preschool (Nensho and up) – Elementary school students
💰 Fee:
▶¥6,000 per day (20% sibling discount available)
▶Afternoon Extended Care from 15:00-18:00 ¥3500 (This is optional)
📝 How to Register
Limited spots available! [Meito: 20 seats / Mizuho: 10 seats]
👉 Sign up here: Registration Form
🔗 More Information
📅 Daily Schedule

🍽️ Lunch Menu:


🌟 Special Spring School Activities
🌸 Experience Japan’s cherry blossom traditions in English!
🥚 Learn the fun with an Easter Egg Hunt!
🌏 Learn about nature!
👩🍳 Enjoy cooking and sharing delicious homemade lunches!
⚠️ Important Notices
▶ There is no daily blog for GROW’s Preschool Course.
▶ Blog updates will be posted on the official website.
▶ Morning extended care (8:30–9:30) is not available.
Let’s celebrate the warmth of spring and create wonderful memories while learning English! 🎶
For any questions, please feel free to contact us via Codmon.
We look forward to welcoming your child to GROW’s first-ever SPRING SCHOOL! ✨