About Corona Virus Policies

Dear Parents,

Thank you all for your continued support of Grow.

Each day the situation is changing with regards to the Corona Virus outbreak.  Information we had yesterday is already outdated today. Grow International Preschool has an active roster of great kids in various courses, with various frequency and all of them with very different needs.  Our main priority is to our children’s safety, their education and in providing and maintaining a healthy environment where they can learn and flourish.

With the information and current school situation in mind, we are currently not closing the school however are following a strict cleanliness policy which is outlined below.   We ask for your support in keeping Grow clear of contamination so that we can continue operating safely.

  1. All staff are required to wear their masks at all times during the school day
  2. All door handles, faucet handles, stair railings and common surfaces are to be disinfected before class, during class and after class has finished.
  3. All 9 rooms shall have a Hepa-Filtration system to clean the air of potential disease
  4. Children and staff are disinfecting & washing their hands when they arrive at school as well as before and after meals
  5. Anyone with a fever of 37.5 or more is not permitted to be in the school and both staff and children are asked to check their temperature prior to coming to school.
  6. We ask all parents and staff that have cold-like symptoms or a sustained fever of 37.5 or more to go to the clinic and report back to the school the results of their treatment and diagnosis.
  7. Families and staff are asked to refrain from taking busy trains or going to busy areas if possible.  The entire Grow team is also avoiding busy areas and taking trains to work and are being provided with rental cars to limit their potential exposure to the CoronaVirus.

Please remember that information and situations are changing extremely rapidly and so our schools open status can change at any time.

We ask for your understanding with the above policies and we will strive to continue to update you with information as it occurs.

Mike Finch & The Grow Team






  1. スタッフはスクールにいる間マスクを着用しております。
  2. ドアノブ、蛇口、階段の手すりなど、特に多くの人が触る箇所は、授業前、授業中、授業後こまめに消毒しております。
  3. 全ての部屋に空気清浄機(加湿器)を設置しております。
  4. 生徒、スタッフは登園後、食前、食後に手洗い・手指消毒を徹底しております。
  5. 37.5度以上の熱がある場合は登園をお断りさせて頂きます。子供達の登園前には検温をお願いしております。(スタッフも同様)
  6. 風邪に似た症状がある場合や体温が37.5度を超える場合は、登園せず診察を受け、直ちに結果をお知らせ頂くようお願い致します。
  7. スタッフまた保護者の方は出来る限り、満員電車や混雑した場所に行くことを控えて頂くようお願いしております。 当校のスタッフは通勤時の満員電車を避けリスクを軽減するため、レンタカー等を利用しております。



Mike Finch & The Grow Team

About Corona Virus PoliciesGrow is turning 10! Thank You Campaign
About Corona Virus PoliciesGrow Parents Communication App