4/22 – Kumamoto Earthquake Relief Charity Car Wash!

Charity Car Wash Banner
[English is below]

グローの子ども達もテレビを通じて土砂災害による家屋倒壊、道路の寸断などによる物資の不足などの熊本の現状を知り、「僕たちで何か出来る事はないの??熊本までお手伝いにはいけないの??」などの質問を先生達に尋ねてきました。そこで今私たちが協力して出来る事は何か??と考えました。一人では出来ない事でも皆で協力すれば大きな事を成し遂げる事が出来ますよね。そこで、私たちはチャリティーcar washをして、集まった募金を熊本の方々へ寄付をしよう!と行動を起こす事にしました。

日本ではなかなか見慣れないチャリティーcar washですが、海外では募金を募る際にはcar wash(洗車)を行う事が多いんです。子ども達もやる気満々!熊本の方々を助けたいと意気揚々です!

チャリティーcar washは今週の金曜日4月22日の10:00から12:30(最終受付12:15)まで行っております!!グローに通って頂いているご家族はもちろん、お友達、ご近所の方、どなたでもご参加いただけます。


皆様、是非Grow チャリティー Car Washに来てください!!!!

Last week there was a large earthquake in the Kyushu region of southern Japan near Kumamoto. The kids have been exposed to various images of this disaster on local TV and during class asked their teachers if there was anything that they could do to help. Some of the children surprised the teachers by asking if they could go to Kumamoto to help people rebuild their broken homes or to give them food and aid. This brought about the question, is there anything that we can do as a group and locally? Many hands helping together can make a huge difference.

And so we will be doing a charity car wash! On Friday April 22nd from 10:00 – 12:30 the kids and teachers will be getting soapy and washing anyones car that comes to Grow. If you get your car washed, please make a donation for Kumamoto. All funds received during the car wash will be given to the Japanese Red Cross Society to help clothe and feed families that have been affected by this disaster.

Our hearts and thoughts go out to the victims of this disaster we hope that our small efforts will in some way help with the swift recovery and restoration of Kumamoto and the surrounding areas.

4/22 – Kumamoto Earthquake Relief Charity Car Wash!Start of the year training
4/22 – Kumamoto Earthquake Relief Charity Car Wash!被災地へ届け!!(Kumamoto Earthquake Charity Car Wash!)